Meet Leigh 

Hi, there!

I am the daughter of a retired U.S. forest ranger. I love working, writing, grandkids, spending time with family, weeding the garden with my dogs Sophie, Gracie and Georgie (when they’re not digging up what I’ve just planted), and watching the little sagebrush lizards that live in my rock flowerbeds.

I met my husband when he had just started graduate school. Two weeks later, we were engaged to be married. That was over forty-three years ago and we’re still crazy about each other.


Author Leigh Bale

Leigh with her husband Steve


My husband and I are the proud parents of two wonderful children. (How did they grow up so fast?) They and their spouses have provided one of my favorite hobbies—four beautiful grandkids. Being a granny is payback for raising such great kids. But more than that, my children and their spouses are some of my dearest friends.

I hold a B.A. in history with honors and wrote my senior thesis on the prestige of Aztec women. I love doing research and it’s my favorite part of writing a book. My husband holds an MPA, a juris doctorate and a Ph.D. After serving nine years in the U.S. Marine Corps, our son received his B.S. degree in cybersecurity, graduating magna cum laude. Our daughter has a cosmetologist license and drives two-story haul trucks for a gold mine in Nevada. Hmm. That gives me an idea for another book plot. But whatever the forum, my family loves lifelong learning.  In addition to family, work and writing, my husband and I are busy in church service. We don’t watch a lot of TV.

I worked in the education industry most of my adult life, but writing has always been one of my great loves. I wrote my first full-length novel on a typewriter, back when they still made carbon paper and 8-track tapes. I had no outline and no clue what I was doing but I kept at it.  Since then, my books have hit the Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller’s list numerous times.  I’ve won a Golden Heart and won and finaled in numerous other national writing contests, including the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, the Write Touch Readers Award, and the Bookseller’s Best Award. I write contemporary romance, medieval romance and romantic suspense. Some of my books are inspirational faith-based stories, and some are not. But regardless, none of my books are higher than a PG-13 rating. With over two million books in print, I feel incredibly blessed to be able to write entertaining, uplifting stories.

To read more about my books, check out my books page.  And if you’d like me to notify you of when I have a new book coming out, simply sign up for my newsletter.